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Why is FuckingNode even a thing?

What we wanted to fix

FuckingNode exists because of the many problems that exist and a JavaScript developer may encounter, including but not limited to:

  • How tiring it is to go through all of your projects to update dependencies.
  • How boring it is to manually make "Lint code" or "Format code" commits periodically.
  • How annoying it is to run npm publish just to get a weird error filling all your terminal without even telling you that the issue is you forgetting to bump the version number in package.json.
  • How boring (again) it is to manually write a README notice for a project that you're deprecating because you don't care anymore.
  • How painful it is to make a commit, push it, open a Pull Request, and realize there's an error you didn't spot because you forgot to run the test suite.
  • How boring (yes again) it is to manually clone a repository, install dependencies, and launch your IDE by clicking it or typing code . or whatever.
  • How boring (...) it is to copy-paste (even worse if you write it by yourself) some generic content for your tsconfig.json because you don't want your code to suck.

And the list goes on...

What we fixed, and how

I initially created FuckingNode as a .ps1 script to automate npm prune and pnpm store prune across a fixed list of personal projects, and as you can see, it has grown into three major releases, seven separate utilities (clean, kickstart, release, commit, surrender, setup, stats) with more to come (like the work in progress audit), DenoJS & BunJS support, and even a small amount of features bridged to Go and Cargo (Rust).

FuckingNode is a thing because it fixes all of the issues mentioned above.

Bored of manually updating dependencies, linting code, prettifying code, committing all of these, or removing built output / artifacts?

  • fuckingnode clean -- -- -l -p -c -d -u
  • Shorthand: fkclean -- -- -l -p -c -d -u
  • Assuming flagless features are enabled, it can simply be fkclean

Bored of finding and pasting or writing your own tsconfig.json?

  • fuckingnode setup <path> ts-strictest
  • <path> is the path to the project, or --self to use the CWD.
  • ts-strictest is an example, there are more setups available. Run fuckingnode setup with no args to see them all.

Bored of manually cloning, installing, and launching?

  • fuckingnode kickstart <git-url> [path] [manager]
  • Shorthand: fkstart <git-url> [path] [manager]
  • [path] is optional and specifies a custom path to clone to.
  • [manager] is optional and specifies the package manager to use for the installation. If none, the one from the cloned repo is used (if any).

Bored of manually writing a deprecation notice?

  • fuckingnode surrender <path> [message] [alternatives] [learn-more]
  • <path> is the path to the project, or --self to use the CWD.
  • [message] is optional and adds a custom message.
  • [alternatives] is optional and lets you write about alternatives to what is going to be deprecated.
  • [learn-more] is optional and lets you write a text or link about where the user can learn more about this deprecation.

Don't want the pain of making a commit forgetting your tests?

  • fuckingnode commit <message> [branch] [--push]
  • Shorthand: fkcommit <message> [branch] [--push]
  • <message> is your commit message.
  • [branch] is optional and specifies the branch to commit to. If unspecified, current branch is used.
  • --push is optional and if passed the commit (and any previous local commit) will be pushed.

Don't want the annoyance of npm or jsr package releases?

  • fuckingnode release <path> <version> [--push] [--dry]
  • <path> is the path to the project, or --self to use the CWD.
  • <version> is the version to be released, we'll auto bump your package file's version field and create a Git tag with this version code. Must be SemVer parsable.
  • --push is optional and if passed, changes will be pushed to Git.
  • --dry is optional and if passed, changes will be done (and pushed if specified), but not published to npm / jsr.

That is why FuckingNode is a thing; because it's a single tool to fix everything. And if there's something we didn't fix yet, just join our Discord server, mention us on Twitter or Bluesky, or raise an issue on GitHub telling us what else you'd like to see within our tooling, and we'll add it (if possible).