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Using FuckingNode: The fknode.yaml file

The fknode.yaml file is used to configure extra settings for individual projects. It is completely opt-in and not required whatsoever. Some settings do however require specific config from here.

Below is a detailed explanation of each configuration option available in the file. They are all optional.

Get autocomplete for VSCode

While still work in progress, you can already download our Visual Studio Code extension for FuckingNode V3 here.


Divine protection is what we call ignorance. Basically, if you run a global cleanup with the --update flag (so all projects get their dependencies updated) but don't want a specific project to get its dependencies updated, you'd add "updater" to the divineProtection option.

It can either be an array of feature-er strings (updater, linter, etc...), or "*" to ignore everything. "disabled" is also valid and equals the default configuration.

  • Type: ("updater" | "cleaner" | "linter" | "prettifier" | "destroyer")[] | "*" | "disabled"
  • Example:
divineProtection: ["updater", "cleaner"] # ignore cleanup & dependency updates


Specifies a script (from your package file > scripts {}) to be used for linting when --lint is passed to clean, overriding the default (ESLint).

  • Type: string
  • Example:
lintCmd: "lint" # so FuckingNode will run "npm run lint"


Specifies a script (from your package file > scripts {}) script to be used for prettifying when --pretty is passed to clean, overriding the default (Prettier).

  • Type: string
  • Example:
prettyCmd: "prettify" # so FuckingNode will run "npm run prettify"


Configuration for the destroyer, which removes specified targets when clean is called with any of the intensities, or an "*" for enabling regardless of the intensity.

  • Type:
  intensities: ("normal" | "hard" | "maxim" | "*")[]
  targets: string[]
  • Example:
  intensities: ["high"]
  targets: ["dist", "build"]


If true, a commit will be made if an action that changes the code is performed and the Git workspace is clean. Learn more here.

  • Type: boolean
  • Example:
commitActions: true


Specifies the commit message to be used if a commit is made. If not provided, a default message is used.

  • Type: string
  • Example:
commitMessage: "Automated maintenance commit by fknode"


Overrides the default command for the updating dependencies with the provided runtime script command. Works the same way as lintCmd or prettyCmd, we simply made the name more verbose because in most cases you don't need (and should not) mess around with it.

  • Type: string
  • Example:
updateCmdOverride: "update" # replaces "npm update" with "npm run update"


Enables flagless features.

  • Type:
  flaglessUpdate: boolean
  flaglessDestroy: boolean
  flaglessLint: boolean
  flaglessPretty: boolean
  flaglessCommit: boolean
  • Example:
  flaglessUpdate: true
  flaglessDestroy: false
  flaglessLint: true
  flaglessPretty: false
  flaglessCommit: true


Specifies a task to be executed upon running the release command.

  • Type: string
  • Example:
releaseCmd: "release" # equals "npm run release"


If true, the release command will always use dry-run.

  • Type: boolean
  • Example:
releaseAlwaysDry: true


Specifies a task to be executed upon running the commit command.

  • Type: string
  • Example:
commitCmd: "commit" # equals "npm run commit"

This is an example of a full fknode.yaml file.

divineProtection: ["updater", "cleaner"]
lintCmd: "lint"
prettyCmd: "prettify"
  intensities: ["high"]
  targets: ["dist", "build"]
commitActions: true
commitMessage: "Automated commit by fknode"
updateCmdOverride: "update"
  flaglessUpdate: true
  flaglessDestroy: false
  flaglessLint: true
  flaglessPretty: false
  flaglessCommit: true
releaseCmd: "release"
releaseAlwaysDry: true
commitCmd: "commit"