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Getting started

Real men test in production

THIS IS NOT VALID DOCUMENTATION FOR CURRENTLY AVAILABLE VERSION. Latest version is 2.2.1, however version 3.0 is ALMOST done, so this website is live for testing purposes. Changes are yet to be made. INSTALL SCRIPTS WILL INSTALL LATEST STABLE, v2.2.1.

First thing first, install the CLI:

Standard installation

Microsoft Windows

Copy and paste the following code in a terminal session.

powershell -c "irm | iex"

Linux and macOS

Copy and paste the following code in a terminal session.

curl -fsSL | bash


Add the repo to your flake.nix.

inputs = {
    fuckingnode.url = "github:ZakaHaceCosas/FuckingNode";

Then, add this to your system packages:


Compile from source

For contributors and nerds who clone the entire source just to change one line they don't like, compiling is extremely easy:

  1. Install Deno 2.
  2. Open this project from the root.

You can now either:

  • Run deno task compile and get the output executable from dist/.
  • Run deno -A src/main.ts [...commands] from the root.

You've now learnt how to install the CLI.

Next: Configure the CLI - Get the CLI ready for usage.