What's next?¶
You have reached the end of the manual. Congratulations.
We hope F*ckingNode made your JavaScript developer journey a bit less of a f*cking headache.
Note "we" should actually be "I", as this is maintained by a single developer (me, Zaka 👋) (open to contributions, as always). Any suggestion and/or feedback is appreciated.
Here you got, a bunch of links you might find interesting or useful.
Our low-budget action trailer on YouTube (less than two minutes and worth watching (kind off))
Learn how does F*ckingNode work from the inside
Branding guidelines? (yes we have them)
Again, any contribution, suggestion, or feedback, is greatly appreciated. FuckingNode's source code is - as the average JavaScript codebase - not great, and any contribution counts towards making this better.
This project was made out of the nowhere and I never expected to focus so much on it and giving it so many features and work. I hope you found it useful.
Thanks for reading this manual until the end. You may now flex about being a Certified Node Fucker (and if this project gets popular enough I will actually start emitting FuckingNode certifications).